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Didn’t You Know
Alexander Aruca

1st Verse
I see you there, hiding in despair.
So alone you tremble as you walk
Risking the day & all that it could play
Struggling on, against all that you face.

Didn’t you know, (NO). I’d be there to love you
Didn’t you know, (NO). I would be the one
And didn’t yo01.23.2022 – 03.25.2022u know, (NO). I could never leave you
I will always be there for you

2nd Verse
Days go by it seems like weeks to you
Your soul is lost to things you hear them say
Seeking a chance but only feel the loss
You dream that love will never come your way

3rd Verse
So many times you’ve tried to shed your fear
But never found the courage that you seek
There must be someone for the love you hold
Someone to be there when you cry your tears

4th Verse
I see you walking always on your own
So many things I wished to say to you
Afraid the words just wouldn’t come out right
I stayed away but now I’m need to say